Civ 6 cheat mod
Civ 6 cheat mod

civ 6 cheat mod

$ If toggled automated on this cheats are also executed after you attack an enemy unit and survived or your unit has been attacked and survived. # If toggled automated on this cheats are also executed on every unit selection event when you select your unit. * This cheats executed when toggled on (add promotion, restore health, restore attack ability, add 10 movement points to selected unit) and do nothing when toggled off. Promote Unit (Toggleable automated) * # Restore attack ability after unit have already attacked (Toggleable automated) * # $ Add Movement Points (Toggleable automated) * # % Duplicate/create unit (allows to duplicate selected unit or spawn unit of any type, allows to select position by map click) Adds a collapsable UI mini bar with cheat actions for selected unit.

Civ 6 cheat mod